Every second word I seek is not found in this dictionary, so youre just as well using Google and the in app dictionary that comes with Scrabble.
Every second word I seek is not found in this dictionary, so youre just as well using Google and the in app dictionary that comes with Scrabble.
There are number of words that you can use in Scrabble that are not showing up on the word finder. Very frustrating!
This is more like a list of words without accurate or complete definitions. For $5 this was a rip-off. One would expect more from Miriam-Webster, so I am especially disillusioned. These folks have the information, so why not include thoughtful definitions of the words covered? The first two words I looked up had no definitions at all. Really unexpected and disappointing.
Valid game words but not found in this dictionary!!!! Needs improvement!
I want to see pages. Just like in the real Scrabble dictionary.
But the app didnt take opportunity to fix the flaws in the book version: if you look up a word you dont know, the definition given is often another single word you dont know. WITH NO LINK TO THE NEW WORD! Why!?
Makes iPhone useless by slowing it down to stone age pace!
For starters, the first time that I opened the app, a message appeared telling me that the developer must update it to prevent it from slowing down the entire iPhone. Then I went to use it. There are many many "words" that have absolutely no definitions whatever. As these are words that I had never heard before, I went to other dictionaries to find out what they mean - I couldnt locate them anywhere!
Im a scrabble aficionado from China. I like this app a lot, but I still think Zarf is more helpful in regard to word hooks. Hopefully, this paid dictionary will be able to upgrade soon.
Ok at best. Voice recognition poor, answers in word search should be in capitals as scrabble tiles are, would be nice if it had a 7 letter anagram feature instead of all words as an option.
Very disappointed in this dictionary. For $5 I thought it would have everything but it has limited definitions, I mean how do you learn a word if it doesnt tell you what it means? I typed in "fanga" and it gave me "noun - fanega", thats it, and you then have to type in "fanega" to find out what that means. Its only after you buy this that it tells you in its description it isnt a "full dictionary". So essentially they slap the word "Scrabble" on it and charge you a premium price. Their cheaper dictionary seems to have everything this one is missing.
The first reviewer is not familiar with the old and much loved Scrabble Dictionary. Its not intended to be a complete reference guide; it is a compendium of all words permitted in Scrabble. Unfortunately the Scrabble app has been so dumbed down and diluted that Im not sure youll find half of the words permitted on it in any dictionary, even its own eponymous dictionary.
A rough, cindery lava.
There are better free apps than this for scrabble. It only allows to put 8 tiles which is not sufficient most of the times while you are looking for a solution for your scrabble game.
Wish I hadnt bought it. Waste of money. Dont like the noise. Although not necessary for Scrabble, its always nice to know what words mean. It helps to remember them so disappointed meanings not included.
I really only use this when I am not on line to use the scrabble word finder there the biggest issue is only 8 letters in word finder I would not recommend this app
Very useful,love it!
Still lots of bugs in this app. Sometimes it asks me over and over to log in when Ive just logged in! Very frustrating!!! Some words are French yet some English words are not accepted. Makes me want to delete app and play a different game!
Dictionary is missing section, words that end in?????
December 2015 - new words accepted by game not included in Scrabble dictionary!